Kære Kunde,
For at undgå misforståelser er der få betingelser før man kommer til behandlingen
✨Ved aflysning en time eller der under før behandling, udeblivelse eller 10 minutters forsinkelse vil en faktura på det fulde beløb blive sendt til dig.
✨Afbud eller ændringer af booking SKAL gives minimum 24 timer før behandlingens start.
❗️Forberedelser til din kommende ansigtsbehandling❗️
✅ Brug ikke aktive syrer eller Retinol, Vitamin A-produkter 3-5 dage før eller efter
✅ Få ikke ansigtsvoksning 3 dage før eller efter
✅ Botox er okay 3 dage før eller efter
✅ Collagen-fillers skal administreres 2 uger før eller som instrueret af lægen før
✅ Undgå laser hårfjerning på det behandlede område 2 uger før eller efter
✅ Hvis du er mere end 20 uger gravid, skal du få tilladelse fra din læge til at ligge på ryggen i 50-80 minutter til din behandling
✅ At have en aktiv forkølelsessår eller åben læsion på huden anbefales ikke til en ansigtsbehandling og kan føre til afvisning.
✅ Mænd: Skæg er okay. Barber dig ikke på dagen eller dagen før din ansigtsbehandling.
Jeg glæder mig at byde jer velkommen!
1. Terms of use
- By using Planway you agree to these terms.
- When using Planway and accepting these terms, you (hereinafter referred to as consumer) enter into an agreement with Planway Aps, which is a Danish registered company providing the service Planway.
- Planway reserves the right to change these terms without notice.
2. Consumer obligations
Consumer commits to comply with Danish legislation. Consumer is responsible for the legality of the material and information made available to the public, including that the material and information does not violate any third party's rights or may cause public offense. The customer undertakes and is responsible for ensuring that relevant information, including name, address, postal code, telephone number, e-mail address, is always correct in Planway, so the customer immediately can notify Planway by writing or changing the information under customer profile.
3. Planway's commitments
Planway commits to treat all consumer information confidentially and information is shared only with relevant Planway partners. However, Planway reserves the right to disclose consumer's personal information to the relevant authorities in case of misuse or justified suspicion thereof. Planway reserves the right to use the information for the production of general statistics and to use the work performed as a reference for sales and marketing purposes. Planway is entitled to disclose information to official name authorities, e.g. DK Hostmaster, InterNIC and RIPE.
4. Marketing
By accepting the terms, it is accepted that Planway and Clenz Studio have the right to send relevant marketing material to the consumer. Relevant is defined as products or services that have previously been shown interest in.
5. Bookings
All bookings created through subdomains to our partners are an agreement between the consumer and the partner.
6. Planway’s rights
Planway is entitled to take and close a consumer's account without notice if the consumer does not comply with the general conditions and / or special agreements between the parties. Planway is entitled, without prior notice, to delete material which, in Planway's discretion, is illegal, offensive or otherwise contrary to good practice. Planway considers spam to be abusive and thereby a breach of the agreement and reserves the right to disclose personal information to relevant authorities in such cases.
7. Safety
Planway strives to maintain a high level of security, including relevant SSL encryption (https) on access to the system. However, Planway cannot guarantee hacker attacks that can cause system crashes and / or data loss. Loss caused by hacker attacks will therefore not be covered by Planway. Consumer is responsible for the security of the devices used. Planway continuously makes backups that are stored for three months.
8. Disclaimer
Planway is not liable for any loss or damage arising from interruptions or disruptions in Planway's electronic equipment or interruptions or disruptions attributable to Planway's suppliers or other third parties. Planway is not responsible for information obtained from the Internet or the use of the Internet in general.
9. Force Majeure
Planway cannot be held liable for any circumstances that may be described as force majeure, including, but not limited to, war, riots, uprisings, general strikes, fires, natural disasters, currency restrictions, import or export bans, interruption of intercourse, interruption or failure in the energy supply, long-term illness among key employees and the entry of force majeure with subcontractors.
10. Notification of changes
Planway must notify changes to the agreement with the consumer in cases where the change is to the detriment of the consumer. Notification by email address provided by the customer at the conclusion of the agreement is sufficient notification. Changes to the detriment of the consumer must be made with a minimum of one week's notice.
11. Planway's transfer to third parties
Planway is entitled to freely transfer the operation of the product and any associated additional services to third parties without notice, if the transfer can take place on unchanged terms for the consumer.
12. Applicable law and venue
Any disputes between consumer and Planway must be settled according to Danish law and i Denmark.
13. Online payments
When using Online Payment, Planway reserves the right to withdraw the money prior to processing. This is done as it acts as a deposit for the therapists.
14. Storage of data
Acceptance gives consent to store and handle your persoanl data in Planway. All inquiries and questions about personal data can be sent to info@planway.com.
15. Cancellation
The business offers a 14-day cancellation right upon online payment, if the consumer wishes to make use of this, the full amount will be refunded.
16. Warranty
The business offers a 24-month warranty on online payment, if the consumer wants to make use of this, the full amount is refunded. The complaint must be made within 2 months after the consumer has found the defect.
17. Delivery
When using online payment, the service is activated immediately and it is subsequently the consumer's responsibility to make use of it.